Employment of people with disabilities | Invest Dzierżoniów

Employment of people with disabilities

Employment of people with disabilities - information for companies

Employment of people with a disability certificate gives many opportunities and benefits for both the employee and the employer:

  •         acquiring a committed and loyal employee,
  •         building a brand as a socially responsible entrepreneur,
  •         a way to build a good atmosphere among employees and overcome negative stereotypes,
  •         allowances in contributions to PFRON and co-financing of salaries,
  •         reimbursement of the costs of equipment and adaptation of the workplace for a disabled person.

More information on employing people with disabilities on the website of the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Disabled People.

Self-employment of people with disabilities in the Dzierżoniów poviat

Number of people with disabilities residing in Dzierżoniów as at December 31, 2019. is 4,652 (approx. 15% of the population). Due to the lack of statistical data on self-employment of people with disabilities, it is estimated that the number of people with disabilities running a business in Dzierżoniów is not less than 80 people. Every 32nd disabled person living in Dzierżoniów is self-employed.

Department of Professional Activity (ZAZ) PSONI (Polish Association for People with Intellectual Disability)

ZAZ has been running a business in Dzierżoniów since 2020, employing 30 people with disabilities. The activities of the plant include:

  •     Assembly of small components - currently ZAZ cooperates with Spółdzielnia Inwalidów ELEKTROMET in Dzierżoniów. 8 people are employed as a component fitter. ZAZ is looking for contractors with whom they would like to establish permanent cooperation.
  •     Printing section which includes cards and occasional invitations, thanks for guests, vignettes, centerpieces, unique gift wrapping. ZAZ also implements individual projects in line with the client's needs.
  •     The gastronomic section, which includes a wide selection of home-made cakes and cookies without preservatives, Christmas and personalized gingerbreads, muffins, cones and meringue lollipops. As part of the catering section, ZAZ PSONI also invites you to buy take-away dinners. Upon individual customer request, we also provide catering services for various special events.
  •     Reinbow Room: organization of weddings, occasional parties, baptisms, communions and others.


  • Is looking for companies to cooperate in the assembly of small components.
  • It accepts orders for the above-mentioned our products and services.
  • Issues VAT invoices for purchased products and services.

The quality of products and services offered by ZAZ is fully professional and valuable.


Department of Professional Activity PSONI
St. Parkowa 4h, Dzierżoniów
phone: 573-153-376
e-mail: zaz [dot] dzierzoniowatgmail [dot] com (zaz[dot]dzierzoniow[at]gmail[dot]com)
facebook: PSONI Professional Activity Center

The Manufaktura Inicjatyw Foundation is currently running the project Closer to the Labor Market, co-financed by PFRON, aimed at enabling people with disabilities to enter the open labor market. We encourage local investors and employers to cooperate. Employing people with a disability certificate offers many opportunities and benefits to both the employee and the employer.

Employment of a disabled person means:

  •     attracting a committed and loyal employee,
  •     building a brand as a socially responsible entrepreneur,
  •     a way to build a good atmosphere among employees and overcome negative stereotypes,
  •     reductions in payments to PFRON and co-financing of salaries,
  •     reimbursement of the costs of equipment and adaptation of the workplace for a disabled person.

As part of the project, the Foundation offers recruitment and training of an employee with disabilities, as well as the services of a job coach - an expert supporting both the employer and the disabled person in the best mutual fit. These services are free of charge for employers and co-financed by PFRON.
Interested companies please contact:

Office in Dzierżoniów,
ul. Świdnicka 24,
phone: 74 834 24 79,
e-mail: biuroatmanufakturainicjatyw [dot] pl (biuro[at]manufakturainicjatyw[dot]pl)

Date of information creation: 09.10.2024 11:38:12
Person creating information: mkrupska
Date of last modification: 11.10.2024 08:44:59
Number of views: 38