Shopping center at St. Prochowa - a rental offer for local entrepreneurs | Invest Dzierżoniów

Shopping center at St. Prochowa - a rental offer for local entrepreneurs

On the premises of the former bus station at St. Prochowa in Dzierżoniów, a new shopping center will be built. It will be a retail and service facility, one floor of which is to be accessible from Prochowa Street, the second floor will be located at the level of the Netto market. There will be car parks on both levels, with a total of about 150 parking spaces. The anticipated retail space is 8,000 m2, of which 2,000 m2 is dedicated to local entrepreneurs.

At the level on the side of St. Prochowa ., it is planned to create a service, catering, entertainment and commercial zone, which is favored by the immediate vicinity of the Old Town. This zone is to be not only a shopping center, but also a place where you can spend time on activities other than shopping. This level is planned to be made available to local entrepreneurs.

The total area planned for local business is approximately 2000m2 in total. This area will be divided into premises depending on the needs of individual tenants. The planned opening of the facility for residents will take place in March 2023.

  •     Premises release standard - premises in the developer's standard to be arranged by tenants (but other solutions are also allowed, e.g. finishing).
  •     Duration of lease contracts - long-term contracts (5 years), but for small entrepreneurs it is possible to negotiate terms.
  •     Rents - depends on the size of the premises and the standard of finishing (after declaring interest in a specific amount of m2, the rent will be calculated).

Are you interested in renting commercial space? Call: Tomasz Kapłun, phone: 601 151 631.

centrum handlowe przy ul. prochowej - wizualizacja

Date of information creation: 06.07.2022 08:40:23
Person creating information: mkrupska
Date of last modification: 07.07.2022 13:29:49
Number of views: 214