Dzierżoniowska Investment Zone - a database of investment offers | Invest Dzierżoniów

Dzierżoniowska Investment Zone - a database of investment offers

If you are the owner of investment areas, warehouse and production halls, commercial premises or office space in Dzierżoniów that you intend to rent or sell, we offer free inclusion of your property in the database of investment offers on the Invest in Dzierżoniów website, in the Investment Offer tab.

To prepare an offer you should:

  • read the Regulations for posting investment offers available for download below.
  • complete the appropriate form constituting an annex to the Regulations and submit it together with photos and location maps in person to the Customer Service Office, send by post to the address of the Dzierżoniów City Hall, City Development Department - Office of Entrepreneurship and Public Aid, Rynek 1, 58-200 Dzierżoniów or electronically to e-mail address: investor at um [dot] dzierzoniow [dot] pl (investor[at]um[dot]dzierzoniow[dot]pl)

By sending the form with photos, the person posting the offer declares that he or she has read the regulations for posting investment offers on the website and accepts its terms.

Detailed information is provided by: City Development Department, Office of Entrepreneurship and Public Aid, tel. 74 645 08 79, e-mail: estraszak at um [dot] dzierzoniow [dot] pl (estraszak[at]um[dot]dzierzoniow[dot]pl)

We invite you to active cooperation!

Publication date: 30.10.2024 11:55:24
Person creating information: estraszak
Date of last modification: 04.11.2024 09:08:23
Number of views: 61