Obligations and rights of an entrepreneur that you had no idea about | Invest Dzierżoniów

Obligations and rights of an entrepreneur that you had no idea about

Many entrepreneurs, especially those who are just starting their journey and those who perform most of their duties alone, have difficulty finding their way in the maze of regulations and even determining what obligations they have. Most companies correctly complete those that are generally known and most often enforced by the competent authorities, or which are notified by, for example, an accountant. The real struggle begins when you have to face the implementation of these obligations, which are relatively rarely discussed, but which may significantly affect the company's situation.

During the training, the obligations arising from the regulations will be presented, which turned out to be a surprise for many business owners. The second part of the training will discuss rights that many business owners are unaware of.

Training date: October 22, 2024, at 9:00-11:00

What will you discover and learn?

  • How can you legally listen to music in your living room/shop/plant?
  • When are you obliged to let police officers into your company?
  • Under what conditions can you publish photos of customers/employees on your website?
  • Can you exclude liability for customers' belongings left in the locker room or for an injury to a participant of sports activities in the regulations for the provision of services?
  • How to fulfill information obligations when running an e-commerce business?
  • When can you record a telephone conversation with a client?
  • Are there situations in which an entrepreneur is treated by regulations in the same way as a consumer?
  • What rights does an entrepreneur have to secure his company's secrets?

Who is the training intended for?

  • people planning to start a business,
  • people running a sole proprietorship,
  • micro, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs,
  • all people interested in developing their competences.

The webinar is free of charge and participants will receive a certificate of participation in the training.
Registration for training takes place via the training platform of the Polish Entrepreneurship Foundation.

Date of information creation: 25.02.2022 12:35:10
Person creating information: estraszak
Date of last modification: 10.03.2022 14:31:04
Number of views: 2