The Commune Investor and Exporter Assistance Center in Dzierżoniów | Invest Dzierżoniów

The Commune Investor and Exporter Assistance Center in Dzierżoniów

The Commune Investor and Exporter Assistance Center in Dzierżoniów belongs to the first regional economic promotion network in Poland. The Center operates in accordance with the standards of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency - PAIH and is the first contact point for entrepreneurs interested in investing in Dzierżoniów and undertaking export activities. 

By applying to the Center, an entrepreneur will obtain:

  • the offer of investment areas and investment incentives in the Dzierżoniów City Commune,
  • support in entering the Polish market, e.g. organizing investor visits, 
  • support in running a business, e.g. by organizing and / or informing about events (fairs, missions, information meetings, conferences and others ),
  • the opportunity of participating in business meetings with the participation of external experts, e.g. from the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone, Lower Silesian Agency for Economic Cooperation, etc.; 
  • information on institutions supporting business.


At the City Hall in Dzierżoniów, the Commune Investor and Exporter Assistance Center is located on the ground floor of the building in office No. 4. Any questions and doubts can be directed in person at the office, by phone at +48 74 645 08 79 or by e-mail: estraszakatum [dot] dzierzoniow [dot] pl (estraszak[at]um[dot]dzierzoniow[dot]pl)

Date of information creation: 25.02.2022 12:35:10
Person creating information: estraszak
Date of last modification: 10.03.2022 14:31:04
Number of views: 2