Offer No. 3, area 3.43 ha and 2.2 ha, total: 5.63 ha, ul. Zone, precinct West | Invest Dzierżoniów

Offer No. 3, area 3.43 ha and 2.2 ha, total: 5.63 ha, ul. Zone, precinct West

The Dzierżoniów Investment Zone offers an investment area belonging to a private owner - Offer No. 3.1 with an area of ​​3.43 ha (download) and the area of ​​the Municipal Commune of Dzierżoniów with an area of ​​2.2 ha - Offer No. 3.2 (download). Including offers of investment projects of 5.63 ha.

Investment area 5.63 ha, offer no. 3
The area of ​​ha
5.63 ( 3.43 ha, 2.2 ha)
Area 3.43 ha - private owner, area 2.2 ha - owner Dzierżoniów Municipality
Local Spatial Development Plan
Resolution No. XLIV/425/06 of October 23, 2006.
Destination of the area in MPZP
area of ​​industrial buildings, warehouses
Permissible building height
20 m
Offer no.3.1 pdf 386.28 KB
Offer no.3.2 pdf 575.86 KB