Entrepreneurs can benefit from real estate tax exemption in the form of de minimis aid. | Invest Dzierżoniów

Entrepreneurs can benefit from real estate tax exemption in the form of de minimis aid.

On July 17, 2024, four new de minimis aid programs came into force in the city, constituting a direct continuation of the periodic real estate tax exemptions granted so far.

Support includes:

  •      running a catering business within the city center - real estate tax exemption is available for a maximum period of 2 years;
  •      construction or reconstruction of public parking lots - property tax exemption is valid for a maximum period of 3 years;
  •      permanent elimination of architectural barriers for people with disabilities - real estate tax exemption is valid for a period of 2 years or 3 years - if the subject of the exemption is located in the revitalization area;
  •     changing the heating method in the enterprise (from non-ecological to ecological) - real estate tax exemption is valid for a period of 2 years or 3 years - if the subject of the exemption is located in the revitalization area.

The conditions entitling you to the real estate tax exemption are included in individual resolutions of the Dzierżoniów City Council, available in the Public Information Bulletin of the Dzierżoniów City Hall.

Detailed information is provided by Marcin Szczepanowski, tel. 74 645 08 21, e-mail: mszczepanowskiatum [dot] dzierzoniow [dot] pl

Date of information creation: 17.07.2024 12:08:59
Person creating information: estraszak
Date of last modification: 17.07.2024 13:42:40
Number of views: 45