Shield 5.0 only for specific industries | Invest Dzierżoniów

Shield 5.0 only for specific industries

Since October 15, 2020, entrepreneurs are able to apply for assistance from Shield 5.0 (the Act of September 17, 2020 amending the Act on special solutions related to the prevention, counteraction and combating of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them and some other acts) . The provisions of this act indicate entrepreneurs who can take advantage of the lockdown benefit and additional lockdown benefit as well as exemption from the obligation to pay insurance contributions for July, August and September this year. Applications for support should be submitted via the ZUS Electronic Services Platform (PUE) platform.

The Act introduces three forms of support provided by ZUS to representatives of the tourism, stage and exhibition industry:
 I. Lockdown benefit 
The benefit can be granted to the entrepreneurs who predominantly operate as tourist agents and tourist guides  
II. Additional lockdown allowance
Entitled to apply for this allowance are the entrepreneurs for whom the predominant type of business activity is: 
•    tourist transport,
•    staging and performing in theatrical, opera, ballet and circus performances, 
•    running escape rooms, houses of fear, discos, and electronic games salons, beaches.
III. The exemption from paying insurance contributions for July, August and September 2020 
will be available to payers in the tourism and hotel sector, as well as those who deal with the organization and service of fairs, conferences and exhibitions (based on the code of the entrepreneur's predominant activity according to the Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) 2007).

More information on the website of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)



Date of information creation: 14.10.2020 10:05:59
Person creating information: mkrupska
Date of last modification: 03.11.2020 10:14:23
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