Do you consider running your own business by letting your rooms out for rent? | Invest Dzierżoniów

Do you consider running your own business by letting your rooms out for rent?

Such an object (house, farm, training and recreation center, holiday home) should be reported to the register of other facilities where hotel services are provided. The mayor of Dzierżoniów keeps the records of the facilities located in Dzierżoniów. The application to the above-mentioned records must take place before the commencement of the provision of hotel services.

What are hotel services?
Hotel services are short-term, generally available rental of houses, flats, rooms, beds, as well as places to set up tents or car trailers, and the provision of related services within the facility.

What are other hotel facilities?
Hotel services can be provided in the so-called other objects and concern, among others the rent of:

  • rooms and places for setting up tents in farms run by them by farmers (the so-called agritourism);
  • separate rooms;
  • beds in common rooms (halls);
  • beds in permanent buildings;
  • accommodation places in holiday centers;
  • beds in training and recreational centers;
  • beds in creative work houses;
  • beds in spa establishments;
  • guest rooms / private accommodation.

The facility must meet:

  • construction, fire and sanitary requirements;
  • the minimum requirements for the equipment and services provided, which can be found in Annex 7 to the Regulation of the Minister of Economy and Labor of August 19, 2004 on hotel facilities and other facilities where hotel services are provided.

The entrepreneur / farmer may submit an application for entry of other facilities in which hotel services are provided in the Dzierżoniów Town Commune either in person or through an appointed representative at the Customer Service Office, stand "D". The application may also be
sent by post or via the ePUAP platform (signed with a qualified electronic signature or a trusted signature). The application form can be collected:

  • in the paper version at the Customer Service Office, ground floor, entrance "behind the iron gate" - stand "D";
  • or downloaded in the electronic version from the website: - tab Service cards, applications, forms / Business activity.

Provision of hotel services in a facility not entered into the register, as well as unlawful use of
names reserved for a specific type of facilities, e.g. hotel, motel, guesthouse, camping, campsite
or the use of signs that may mislead customers as to the type or category of the hotel facility , is
subject to the penalty of restriction of liberty or a fine (Article 60 §4 point 3 of the Act of May 20,
1971, Code of Petty Offenses).

More information can be obtained from the Dzierżoniów City Hall, stand "D", at the Customer
Service Office, phone: 74/645 08 48, e-mail jwiniarska at um [dot] dzierzoniow [dot] pl (jwiniarska[at]um[dot]dzierzoniow[dot]pl).

Publication date: 10.08.2020 09:16:05
Person creating information: patryk_sm
Date of last modification: 21.09.2020 14:53:52
Number of views: 3