Small Town of Dzierżoniów - we teach young people to be entrepreneurial | Invest Dzierżoniów

Small Town of Dzierżoniów - we teach young people to be entrepreneurial

Nearly 180 thousand PLN. co-financing was received by the Ziemia Dzierżoniowska Association from the BGK Foundation J. K. Steczkowski for the implementation of the project "Małe Miasto Dzierżoniów". The project is implemented in partnership with the Dzierżoniów City Commune.

"Small Town" is a project aimed at students aged 8-12, under which children learn entrepreneurship through learning and working in various professions and managing their own budget. Therefore, from September 27 to October 1, Dzierżoniów Cultural Center will turn into a small town for 100 students from public primary schools for 5 days.

Small Town of Dzierżoniów what is "all this" about?

"Little Town" is a simulation of adult life in a city, specially created for the needs of the Project. Little Participants learn to work, earn, save and spend money.

For 5 days, students will take part in educational workshops at entrepreneurs representing various professions, such as: hairdresser, policeman, firefighter, paramedic, computer graphic artist, personal trainer, florist, ceramist / potter, embroiderer, dancer, choreographer, press journalist, banker, confectioner, TV presenter, optometrist / eyeglass stylist, photographer, shoemaker, programmer, physiotherapist or arborist.

Children will not only gain theoretical knowledge about the specificity of a given profession, but will also participate in practical classes. For the work done, the inhabitants of the "Small Town" will receive remuneration in the amount of 12 "Dzierżon", which will be the internal tender.

After work, participants will be able to freely manage their free time and decide which additional games and activities they want to participate in.

In the "Small Town" there will be a Small Town Tax Office, to which each Participant must pay "taxes" on a daily basis. Taxes will be allocated to the implementation of a project that will contribute to changing the city's public space. The project will be selected by the participants themselves by voting in the civic budget.

On the last day of the project, participants will pay out the saved money with interest. People who saved for 5 days will be able to buy their dream products in the "Sklep Marzeń" - toys, games, school supplies, sports equipment, etc. However, saving will be difficult, because they will attract ice cream, sweets or snacks offered in shops such as " Tempter".

The project would not take place without our Sponsors and Volunteers, for which we would like to thank them!
Main Co-organizer: BGK Foundation J.K. Steczkowski

  •     County Headquarters of the State Fire Service in Dzierżoniów
  •     District Police Headquarters in Dzierżoniów
  •     Cooperative Bank in Dzierżoniów
  •     BROEN Valve Technologies
  •     Bwa Breakers
  •     CooperStandard
  •     DiART
  •     Mirosław March Fotografika
  •     Galvanizer
  •     Image Printing House
  •     Kerkus Arboristics
  •     Florist Maria
  •     Mini Scientist
  •     Hairdressing salons
  •     Michał Mroszczak _Create Your Lifestyle
  •     Optician on Świdnicka Sławomir Minkina
  •     Beautiful and Healthy
  •     Ambulance Ambulance Service Włodzimierz Kapela
  •     Sudecka Television
  •     Remigiusz Mieczko Manual Therapy Room
  •     Shoe Repair Plant
  •     City Museum of Dzierżoniów


  •     Help DDZ Association
  •     ZS No. 3 im. Kombatantów of the Republic of Poland in Dzierżoniów (Ekonomik)
  •     School Complex No. 2 in Dzierżoniów
  •     Private schools in Bielawa
  •     II LO im. John Paul II in Dzierżoniów
  •     The Dzierżoniów Staff of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
  •     Senior + Dzierżoniów Club
  •     The Scout of Dzierżoniów's ZHP

Schools participating in the project:

    Primary School No. Polish Nobel Prize winners in Dzierżoniów
    Primary School No. 5 with Integration Departments
    Primary School No. 9 in Dzierżoniów
    Primary School No. 3 in Dzierżoniów

Event patrons:
Ministry of Finance
Financial Education Council

Plakat Małe Miasto Dzierżoniów

Date of information creation: 30.08.2021 14:34:11
Person creating information: mkrupska
Date of last modification: 04.10.2021 13:07:49
Number of views: 121