Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone Invest Park invites you to the webinar | Invest Dzierżoniów

Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone Invest Park invites you to the webinar

Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone Invest Park invites you to a free webinar of the Lower Silesian Automotive Cluster "EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES DURING COVID-19", which will be held on February 23, 2021. in hours 11: 00-13: 00


1. TLA Smoczyński and Koniewski Kancelaria Prawna LPs. "Best COVID-19 Practices": 

  • business trips: general principles of recommending a business trip, business trips in the COVID-19 era (can an employee refuse to go on a business trip, when    can they make such a refusal and what are the consequences of unjustified refusal);

  • Occupational health and safety: the general obligation of the employer to ensure safe and healthy working conditions, the impact of COVID-19 on the employer's obligation to ensure safe and healthy working conditions, measures and steps that can and should be taken by the employer, guidelines of the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology for industries, Employer's responsibility for contagion by COVID-19 employees in the workplace (can and when the Employer may be held responsible?);
  • Accident at work remotely: accident at work - general features of an accident at work, regulations regarding remote work and OHS, is every accident during remote working hours a mishap? Possibility of online health and safety training (Article 12e of the Anti-Crisis Shield).

2. Operation of SITECH during a pandemic - examples of implemented solutions to protect employees and ensure smooth production.

3. Presentation of the DKM knowledge exchange forum and a discussion during which participants can ask questions, exchange insights and experiences.

You can register for the training using the electronic form


Date of information creation: 17.02.2021 12:10:40
Person creating information: estraszak
Date of last modification: 26.02.2021 11:32:32
Number of views: 5