PAIH Business Forum | Invest Dzierżoniów

PAIH Business Forum

Are you thinking about developing your business? Take part in the PAIH Business Forum business event organized for the SME sector and its partners - representatives of regions and development institutions.

The forum is a space for entrepreneurs who want to develop and look for new solutions and ideas. Especially for those who are planning or have already started expanding to foreign markets.
During the Business Forum, participants will have the opportunity to meet in person with experts from over 70 foreign markets, receive practical knowledge and establish business contacts. It is also an opportunity to learn about all the support instruments offered to entrepreneurs by PAIH and other companies from the PFR Group.
Date: October 4 and 5, 2023
Place: PGE Narodowy in Warsaw.

Participation in the event is free!
Detailed event program and registration on the PAiH website.

Date of information creation: 25.09.2023 08:13:32
Person creating information: mkrupska
Date of last modification: 02.10.2023 11:45:11
Number of views: 12