"Green" SME investments, Energy efficiency and low-emission economy (Wałbrzych subregion) - announcement of the call for applications | Invest Dzierżoniów

"Green" SME investments, Energy efficiency and low-emission economy (Wałbrzych subregion) - announcement of the call for applications

The Lower Silesian Intermediate Body (DIP), acting as the Intermediate Body of FEDS 2021-2027, announces the recruitment of applications for funding carried out in a competitive manner under the European Funds for Lower Silesia 2021-2027 program

Priority 9 European Funds for the transformation of mining areas in Lower Silesia

Action 09/04 Economic transformation

Project type: 9.4.B "Green" SME investments, Energy efficiency and low-emission economy (Wałbrzych subregion)

Who can apply?

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises within the meaning of Annex I to the GBER regulation, implementing a project in the Wałbrzych subregion (districts: Dzierżoniów, Kłodzko, Świdnica, Wałbrzyski, Wałbrzych, Ząbkowicki)

What can you get funding for?

Support for SMEs for investments in energy modernization and/or circular economy (Circular Economy) and other investments limiting the enterprise's impact on the environment. An advisory component for companies in the field of energy or energy efficiency audits and technological audits towards the development of circular economy and digital transformation (as part of investment projects) may be eligible as an additional element of each of the above-mentioned project types;

Projects must be consistent with the specific goals of the just transformation of the Wałbrzych subregion, in particular the economic goal, i.e. economic activation and strengthening competitiveness by using the endogenous potential of the subregion in a way that guarantees achievement of the goals of reducing low emissions and decarbonization.

Deadline for submitting applications

from February 6, 2024 to March 7, 2024

More information about the recruitment on the website of the Regional Program of the Lower Silesia Voivodeship.


Date of information creation: 19.12.2023 09:10:40
Person creating information: estraszak
Date of last modification: 20.12.2023 07:45:00
Number of views: 86