From December 10, entrepreneurs from flood areas will be able to apply for Add to Default shortcuts support | Invest Dzierżoniów

From December 10, entrepreneurs from flood areas will be able to apply for Add to Default shortcuts support

Support for entrepreneurs affected by the flood will be available from December 10. The funds will come from the Support Fund established by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy (MFiPR) and Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK).

The support is preferential financing (up to 10 years of repayment, 12-month grace period) with the possibility of waiving up to 90% of the debt, provided that the de minimis aid limit is met.

Entrepreneurs can obtain up to PLN 5 million for:

  • reconstruction and renovation of facilities and infrastructure destroyed or damaged as a result of floods, necessary to conduct business activities,
  • repair or purchase of equipment, machines or other technical resources destroyed or damaged as a result of flood, necessary to resume operations,
  • investments related to the relocation of the company's activities to areas with lower flood risk within the same voivodeship,
  • stocking,
  • financing the company's current operations, including salary payments, payments to suppliers, coverage of operating costs, public and legal liabilities,
  • financing other expenses necessary to ensure the continuity of the entrepreneur's operations.

Applications for support, available from December 4, can be submitted from December 10 to BGK's Financing Partners.

Financing partners who provide support in the province Lower Silesia and Opole:

Polish Entrepreneurship Foundation 
Foundation for the Development of Silesia

The Support Fund is financed from "reuse" funds, i.e. from repayments of previous loans granted during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Publication date: 04.12.2024 08:04:53
Person creating information: estraszak
Date of last modification: 10.12.2024 14:21:49
Number of views: 45