2nd call for applications for funds from the National Training Fund in 2024 | Invest Dzierżoniów

2nd call for applications for funds from the National Training Fund in 2024

The District Labor Office in Dzierżoniów invites employers to submit applications for co-financing of continuing education of employees and employers.

Application deadline: July 23, 2024 to August 2, 2024.

The District Labor Office in Dzierżoniów will use funds from the National Training Fund to finance activities consistent with the following priorities:

Priority A)
Support for continuing education of employees of Social Integration Centers, Social Integration Clubs, Occupational Therapy Workshops, Vocational Activity Facilities, members or employees of social cooperatives and employees employed in entities with the status of a social enterprise indicated in the list/register of social enterprises kept by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

Priority B)
Support for continuing education of people with a certified degree of disability.

Priority C)
Support for continuing education of people who can document that they have performed work in special conditions or of a special nature for at least 15 years and who are not entitled to a bridge pension.

Priority D)
Support for continuing education in key areas/industries for the development of the poviat/voivodeship indicated in strategic documents/development plans.

Financing limits for 2024 for employers employing:

  •        up to 10 employees - up to 100% of the costs of continuing education, not more than PLN 10,000;
  •        from 10 employees - up to 80% of the costs of continuing education, not more than PLN 30,000.

Conditions of participation in the recruitment:

  •         registered office or conducting business and performing work in the Dzierżoniów poviat;
  •         meeting the condition for de minimis aid.

The employer may use the funds from the KFS reserve received from the District Labor Office for:

  •         determining the employer's needs in the field of continuing education in connection with applying for financing of this education from KFS funds;
  •         postgraduate courses and studies carried out on the employer's initiative or with his consent;
  •         examinations enabling obtaining documents confirming the acquisition of skills, qualifications or professional qualifications;
  •         medical and psychological examinations required to undertake education or professional work after completing education;
  •         insurance against accidents in connection with the education undertaken.

More information about recruitment on the website of the District Labor Office in Dzierżoniów.

Date of information creation: 22.07.2024 12:17:19
Person creating information: estraszak
Date of last modification: 23.07.2024 08:26:50
Number of views: 30