There are funds for training from the National Training Fund

Employers can apply for funding for lifelong learning of employees and employers. The District Labor Office in Dzierżoniów announced the first call for applications for funds from the reserve of the National Training Fund in 2024. However, you have to hurry - the deadline for submitting applications is June 28, 2024.

The condition for applying for funds from the KFS is running and carrying out business activity in the Dzierżoniów district and not exceeding the de minimis aid limit.
Financing limits in 2024 depend on the number of employed employees:
     up to 10 employees - up to 100% of the costs of lifelong learning, but not more than PLN 10,000.
     from 10 employees - up to 80% of the costs of lifelong learning, but not more than PLN 30,000.

The employer may use funds from the KFS reserve received from the District Labor Office for:
    determining the employer's needs in the field of lifelong learning in connection with applying for financing of this education from KFS funds;
    postgraduate courses and studies carried out on the employer's initiative or with his consent;
    examinations enabling obtaining documents confirming the acquisition of skills, qualifications or professional qualifications;
    medical and psychological examinations required to undertake education or professional work after completing education;
    insurance against accidents in connection with the education undertaken.

More information about the recruitment can be found on the website of the District Labor Office in Dzierżoniów.