Increase in the minimum wage from July 1, 2023

From July 1, 2023, the minimum wage will be PLN 3,600. The minimum hourly rate will also increase to PLN 23.50.

This year's increases in the minimum wage and the hourly rate are the result of the entry into force of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of September 13, 2022 on the amount of the minimum remuneration for work and the amount of the minimum hourly rate in 2023. The reason for the double indexation is the persistently high level of inflation. Under the Minimum Wage Act, if the inflation rate exceeds 5%, the minimum wage must be increased twice a year.

Along with the increase in the minimum wage, some employee benefits will also increase, for which this amount is the starting point when determining them, e.g.:

  •     remuneration of the lowest-paid employees - employers will be obliged to increase their salaries to the statutory level,
  •     the maximum amount of severance pay for an employee dismissed from work for reasons not related to employees,
  •     the minimum amount of compensation from the employer who committed mobbing against the employee,
  •     night work allowance
  •     amounts free of deductions from remuneration for work, which should be left at the disposal of the employee.

The minimum basis for calculating social security contributions (retirement, disability and sickness) for persons who have started running a business (and do not benefit from the start-up relief and do not conduct unregistered activity) will also change.