GDPR point for entrepreneurs!

Do I always have to obtain consent to process my personal data? What do I need to inform the person whose data I process? When can I use monitoring in my company? Are the activities and operations of personal data processing the same? Is PESEL a special category of personal data? Is my image also data?

Do you have doubts related to the processing of personal data for business purposes?

If you are a small or medium-sized entrepreneur or plan to start a business and are looking for answers to these and other questions regarding the processing of personal data, take advantage of the free support offered by the Enterprise Europe Network, which opened the GDPR point. This point aims to provide an accessible and vivid view of the issues related to the requirements, obligations and restrictions in this area.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a multi-threaded and complex legal regulation, the interpretation of which is constantly evolving, and many of its aspects are constantly focused on the attention of specialists in the data protection sector, due to the importance of these provisions for our daily lives.

Electronic form for asking questions